Decision Circuits Journal Club

We're discussing recent papers in systems neuroscience with a focus on quantitative behavior, cortical dynamics, cell-types, and neuromodulation.

We meet bi-weekly on Monday at 4.00pm on Campus Nord (between Luisenstraße and Philippstraße).

If you'd like to join the discussion please let Antonio know and we'll add you to our e-mail reminders with details on upcoming dates (about one e-mail per meeting/week).


  1. Paper highlights [10 min]
  2. Main paper discussion [60 min]

Consider these 10 tips for running and participating in a journal club!

DateTimePresenterTitleDOIPrimerCover SlidePresentationOneSlide
17.03.20254:00 pmLilly von KalckreuthSerotonergic projections to the orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortices differentially modulate waiting for future rewards
20.01.20252:00 pmDariya KassybayevaPsilocybin prevents habituation to familiar stimuli and preserves sensitivity to sound following repeated stimulation in mouse primary auditory cortex photon recordings of mouse primary auditory cortex responses to randomized auditory stimuli in control, PBS injection and Psilocybin injection conditions. JC 20250203
07.01.20252:00 pmEric LonerganTiwari, P., Davoudian, P. A. et al. Ventral hippocampal parvalbumin interneurons gate the acute anxiolytic action of the serotonergic psychedelic DOI PV+ neurons in the ventral hippocampus as mediators of the anxiolytic effects of DOI.
02.12.20244:00 pmRoberto De FilippoPanichello, M.F., Jonikaitis, D., Oh, Y.J. et al. Intermittent rate coding and cue-specific ensembles support working memory Aims at understanding the neural correlate of working memory (WM). It argues towards a synaptic model that doe not rely on persistent spiking activity Acute Neuropixel recording in monkey during standard WM task Interesting Decoding approach and cross-correlation analysis
04.11.20244:00 pmAntonio LeeHärmson, O., Grenan, I., Perry, B. et al. Hierarchical encoding of reward, effort and choice across the cortex and basal ganglia during cost-benefit decision making It tries to understand how the decision variables-coding neurons coordinate across prefrontal cortices and basal ganglia regions. They argue that the coordination amongst these mixed-selective neurons can signal decision parameters on the millisecond timescale, forming a hierarchical encoding structure for cost-benefit computations.
21.10.20244:00 pmVictoria Vega Harkin et al., “Serotonin predictively encodes value.” paper discusses a unifying theory for serotonergic activity patterns, in part by considering phasic and tonic qualities of the activity to not be essentially unrelated. Using computational modeling, they find that serotonergic activity predictively encodes state value (as in reinforcement learning). The role of serotonin is still unclear, and the theory proposed could be a promising interpretation that unites multiple aspects of serotonergic activity shown in literature. This is relevant to those of us working with serotonergic systems, but also could be an interesting way of rethinking about neural activity on multiple timescales.
07.10.20249:30 amDariya KassybayevaHorrocks, Mohn, and Jaramillo, “The Serotonergic Psychedelic DOI Impairs Deviance Detection in the Auditory Cortex.” research presented in the sources investigates how the psychedelic DOI alters auditory processing in the brains of mice, focusing on a mechanism known as deviance detection. Deviance detection refers to the brain's heightened sensitivity to novel or unexpected stimuli, a phenomenon deeply rooted in predictive coding theories of brain function. It will be interesting to discuss as it directly relates to Psychedelic’s project in our lab and Roberto’s synthetic surprise theory. It also allows to discuss predictive coding as one of the theories (vs neural adaptation) that could explain the results rather than taking it as a status quo.
16.09.20249:30 amGreg KnollFindling, C., Hubert, F. et al. Brain-wide representations of prior information in mouse decision-making. Biorxiv Preprint version 4 builds on previous IBL work from 2021, 2022, 2023, which defines the surgical, experimental, and training procedures. This paper uses an open electrophysiology dataset from those papers and a new widefield imaging dataset, both of which span many regions of the brain. They investigate where priors might be encoded in the brain. In this case "prior" can be viewed like our reward-bias or matching block structure. One hypothesis is that the priors are only encoded in higher cortical regions implicated in decision-making, locally and just in time for the decision. Another hypothesis, the one they support, is that priors are encoded by many brain regions and are therefore available across the brain, allowing inference to be made more generally and in multiple directions (e.g., inferring the taste of an object from its appearance, and vice versa).
02.09.20249:30 amClaire SturgillIshizu, K., Nishimoto, S., Ueoka, Y. et al. Localized and global representation of prior value, sensory evidence, and choice in male mouse cerebral cortex. Nat Commun 15, 4071 (2024). analyzes ephys data from a reward-bias task and focuses on the integration of current sensory information with the biased prior expectation of reward, across different brain regions. I'm hoping it will be interesting to most people because of the similarity of the paper's reward-bias task to ours.
19.08.20249:30 amEric LonerganMora, S., Merchán, A., Vilchez, O. et al. Reduced cortical serotonin 5-HT2A receptor binding and glutamate activity in high compulsive drinker rats. Neuropharmacol. 143, 10-19 (2018).
08.07.20249:30 amLilly von KalckreuthNishio, M., Kondo, M. et al. Medial prefrontal cortex suppresses reward-seeking behavior with risk of punishment by reducing sensitivity to reward. Sec. Decision Neuroscience 18 (2024).
27.05.20249:30 amAntonio Leede Jong, J.W., Liang, Y., Verharen, J.P.H. et al. State and rate-of-change encoding in parallel mesoaccumbal dopamine pathways. Nat Neurosci 27, 309–318 (2024).
06.05.20249:30 amVictoria VegaLuo, Q., Kanen, J.W., Bari, A. et al. Comparable roles for serotonin in rats and humans for computations underlying flexible decision-making. Neuropsychopharmacol. 49, 600–608 (2024).
22.04.20249.30 amEric LonerganDavid Martin, Angel Delgado, Donna Calu The psychedelic, DOI, increases dopamine release in nucleus accumbens to predictable rewards and reward cues
03.04.20244 pmAntonio LeeBlanco-Pozo, M., Akam, T. & Walton, M.E. Dopamine-independent effect of rewards on choices through hidden-state inference. Nat Neurosci 27, 286–297 (2024).
20.03.20244 pmClaire SturgillSchneider, S., Lee, J.H. & Mathis, M.W. Learnable latent embeddings for joint behavioural and neural analysis. Nature 617, 360–368 (2023). paper
21.02.20244 pmLuna StrauchBernklau, T.W., Righetti, B., Mehrke, L.S. et al. Striatal dopamine signals reflect perceived cue–action–outcome associations in mice. Nat Neurosci (2024).
31.01.20244 pmDariya KassybayevaGupta, D., DePasquale, B., Kopec, C.D. et al. Trial-history biases in evidence accumulation can give rise to apparent lapses in decision-making. Nat Commun 15, 662 (2024).
17.01.20244 pmVictoria VegaHattori, R., Hedrick, N.G., Jain, A. et al. Meta-reinforcement learning via orbitofrontal cortex. Nat Neurosci 26, 2182–2191 (2023).
29.11.20234 pmEric LonerganRahbarnia…Flechter (2023). Effects of psilocybin, the 5-HT2A receptor agonist TCB-2, and the 5-HT2A receptor antagonist M100907 on visual attention in male mice in the continuous performance test
15.11.20234 pmLilly von KalckreuthMusall…Churchland (2023). Pyramidal cell types drive functionally distinct cortical activity patterns during decision-making
01.11.20234 pmJérémie Sibille (AG Kremkow)Sibille…Kremkow (2022). Efficient mapping of the thalamocortical monosynaptic connectivity in vivo by tangential insertions of high-density electrodes in cortex
18.10.20234 pmNina GrimmeHill…Schultz(2023). Dopamine signals encode internally determined subjective value regardless of externally indicated reward attributes
04.10.20234pmGreg KnollGore…Deisseroth (2023). Orbitofrontal cortex control of striatum leads economic decision-making information in the OFC is relayed to the DMS to lead accurate economic decision-making
20.09.20234pmAntonio LeeGrove…Knight (2023). Dopamine subsystems that track internal states. Nature dopamine neurons in the VTA respond to ‘internal states’ tracking hydration and nutrition
14.09.20239.30amDariya KassybayevaYun…Parker (2023). Antipsychotic drug efficacy correlates with the modulation of D1 rather than D2 receptor-expressing striatal projection neurons paper uses the novel hallucination-like perception task (cf Schmack et al, Science) to study striatal circuits for psychosis and antipsychotics.
07.09.20239.30amGreg KnollSohn … Jazayeri (2019). Bayesian Computation through Cortical Latent Dynamics. Neuron states in primate PFC encode both the prior and temporal estimate to guide behavior
15.06.20239.30amVictoria VegaShen..Glimcher (2023). Flexible control of representational dynamics in a disinhibition-based model of decision making. eLife neural network model that includes both inhibitory and disinhibitory cell types reproduces decision-making features
25.05.20239.30amEric LonerganVargas..Olson (2023). Psychedelics promote neuroplasticity through the activation of intracellular 5-HT2A receptors. Science unfolder their neuroplastic effects not via regular membrane-bound 5HT2A receptors, but by going into the cell
20.04.20239.30amEricTorrado Pacheco … Moghaddam (2023). Acute psilocybin enhances cognitive flexibility in rats. Neurophsychopharmacology changes reversal learning in a 2A dependent way
13.04.20239.30amLillyHyun..Kwon (2023). Serotonin in the orbitofrontal cortex enhances cognitive flexibility. BioRxiv specifically in OFC changes speed of reversal learning
23.03.20239.30amVictoriaAklan…Atasoy (2023). Dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons suppress feeding through redundant forebrain circuits. Molecular Metabolism dorsal raphe 5HT neurons suppress feeding (to LH and BNST)
16.02.20239.30amVictoriaDiehl,Redish (2023). Differential processing of decision information in subregions of rodent medial prefrontal cortex. eLife subregion coding of decision variables during economic decisions
09.02.20239.30amGregPandarinath…Susillo (2018). Inferring single-trial neural population dynamics using sequential auto-encoders. Nature Methods method to model single-trial spike trains using RNN-based autoencoders.
02.02.20239.30amEricPomrenze … Malenka (2022). Modulation of 5-HT release by dynorphin mediates social deficits during opioid withdrawal. Neuron in the striatum is important for social deficits related to addiction
26.01.20239.30amLillyPaquelet … Miller (2022). Single-cell activity and network properties of dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin neurons during emotionally salient behaviors. Neuron subpopulation of dorsal raphe 5HT neurons (grouped by projection) are differentially sensitive to reward/social/shock/anxiety cues
12.01.20239.30amVictoriaJeong … Namboodiri (2022). Mesolimbic dopamine release conveys causal associations. Science novel, causal framework and model for association learning (as opposed to RL)
9.30amAntonioKlein-Fluegge, … Rushworth (2022). Medial and orbital frontal cortex in decision-making and flexible behavior. Neuron and choice coding along OFC regions
20.10.20229.30amGregSylwestrak…Sussillo, Deisseroth (2022) Cell-type-specific population dynamics of diverse reward computations. Cell groups of neurons in the habenula encode reward prediction, outcome, and history and are modelled with cell-type LFADS

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